Cationic Emulsified Bitumen (Tack Coat)

Cationic Emulsified Bitumen (Tack Coat)

Cationic Emulsified Bitumen (Tack Coat)

Bito Tech is a surface emulsion coated bitumen (Tack Coat) with %55 to %65 bitumen and used for the better cohesion between asphaltic layers. Color is brown and shelf life is 6 months in standard conditions. For the better result, the surface of roads should be dried and free from loose and soil materials. Ambient temperature should be over 20 ˚C in spreading time. Traffic should be prevented, preferably. Spreading asphaltic layer should be done after emulsified bitumen breakage, which happened at most in 1 hour.

Type of emulsified bitumen Spreading per cube meter Emulsified bitumen temperature in spreading time Percentage of bitumen
CRS1RS1 250-600g 20-50˚C %55-60 of emulsified bitumen weight

Over spreading of the product may cause rising bitumen of the roads, inappropriate spreading also may increase cracks on the surface of the road. This product could be stored in containers which previously contained soluble bitumen (MC250) and they should only be discharged of the prior material. The company has been producing 20000 tonnes of Bito Tech emulsified bitumen from 2011 till now which used in different projects.


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