Tag Archives: Iran Polymer Modified Bitumen

Plasto-Elastic Iran Polymer Modified Bitumen Description of Plasto-Elastic Iran Polymer Modified Bitumen RAHASEAL is a single component, hot-applied plasto-elastic polymer modified bituminous Concrete Paving Joint, crack, and expansion joint sealant, specially formulated to be used into horizontal expansion joints and cracks. The sealant is supplied in solid form and can be applied using sealing melter applicator […]

Iso Polymer Bitumen Description of Iran Iso Polymer Bitumen (Reinforced Bitumen by SBS Application) The high-quality product is based on a kind of bitumen insulation with a penetration grade in the range 60 to 70 at standard test conditions reinforced by SBS polymer. It proves to be highly adhesive and elastic appropriate for almost any type […]

Bitumen Mastic General Description of Bitumen Mastic Erected with love home, needs to be protected, and, above all, of the moisture. From waterproofing quality, it depends how long will the foundation and roof. Among the variety of modern materials there is one that provides a seamless airtight protection from water even in hard to reach […]